Thank you for visiting our website! There is so much more happening at NewLife than what can be explained on one simple website page, so we’d like to invite you to come to check it out for yourself any Sunday as our special guest.
Our name truly reflects our grand purpose as followers of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that anyone who is in Christ is a New Creation; the old is gone and the new has come (2nd Corinthians 5:17)!

"No matter who you are or where you come from, God has a plan for your life. Jesus died on the cross so that our sins can be forgiven and all of us can experience New Life in Him. I look forward to meeting you!"
- Pastor Joe
Lead Pastor
Our weekend services at NewLife are a casual atmosphere with a combination of music, communion, and teaching from the Bible. You’ll find yourself in a comfortable and welcoming environment. The teaching is very practical with application to daily life right from the word of God.
Our worship would be considered modern, as we incorporate a variety of instruments and sing many of the latest worship songs. However, we explore a number of different musical styles to help us reach our one and only goal of glorifying our heavenly father when we gather each weekend.
During each of our identical worship services, you’ll find well-staffed KIDS programming for all kids (birth through 6th grade). We go to great lengths to provide clean and secure environments for kids to learn and have fun, while parents worship in the main auditorium. It’s an incredible honor for us to spend time with your kids and provide age-appropriate worship and teaching. However, kids are always welcome to worship in the main auditorium with their parents. Pastor Joe tailors his messages towards those 7th grade and up.
We would love to meet you and help you plan a visit to NewLife Church. Contact us below, our team will get back to you!