Impact Around the World

Local Go Opportunities

get involved with one of our local partners with the information below:

Samaritan Community Center
Samaritan Community Center

Samaritan Community Center needs volunteers with a wide range of skills and abilities. Duties include preparing and serving food in their cafes at their Rogers and Springdale locations and helping in their food market and thrift shops. Responsibilities include restocking shelves, processing merchandise, etc. Volunteers may be assigned to make snack packs for children in the NWA area at risk of food insecurity or be asked to organize backpacks for their back-to-school programs. SCC also needs licensed dental personnel, from hygienists to assistants in their dental clinic. Life group leaders or volunteers in groups of 2 or more, please contact Shannon Green at sgreen@samcc.org or 479-381-3201 for more information or to coordinate a date and time to serve. Individual volunteers can contact Chris Koerner at ckoerner@samcc.org for more information or to coordinate a date and time to serve.

Rapha International
Rapha International

Rapha International has need for volunteers to do some envelope stuffing and light office and administrative tasks. This would be ideal for our seniors and Prime Timers. Interested individuals and life groups can contact Janene Russell, Operations Coordinator, for Rapha Intl., at jrussell@rapha.org. There may also be additional service opportunities for Rapha depending on the time of year.

Loving Choices
Loving Choices

Loving Choices is in need of volunteers for all age groups. Needs include sponsoring a young mother or soon-to-be mother, donations for their infant store (i.e., clothes, diapers, etc.), preparing meals for young moms, and other similar tasks. Interested individuals and small groups can email Karen at Karenj@lovingchoices.org or Aimee at Aimee@lovingchoices.org. Please include in your email that you (or your life group if applicable) are from NewLifeNWA so they will know how best to utilize you.


Our Food2Families ministry partner is in need of volunteers to man their food pantries (service includes serving the hungry) here in the NWA area. Areas of need include serving in their pantries for food distribution, administrative assistance, or food packing for their ‘order ahead services.’ All volunteers are required to fill out the F2F Volunteer Interest Form as their initial contact point with us.  You will then be contacted by one of the F2F staff members to help you find the right service opportunity for you or your life group. For additional details or for any questions you may have, please refer to Volunteer.F2FPantry.com. The volunteer form can be accessed HERE

Concordia of Bella Vista
Concordia of Bella Vista

Concordia of Bella Vista is a retirement community seeking NewLife members to come serve their tenants. Serving opportunities include but are not limited to reading story books, teaching Bible Studies, and light administrative tasks. Small groups with veterans would be a big plus as there a is sizable community of retired veterans (many with PTSD) who would love to converse with other veterans. This would also be a great opportunity for kids to get involved as the tenants absolutely adore children. For more information, please contact Ms. Angie Judkins, Social Services Director, at 479-278-6122 or email her at Angie.Judkins@concordianr.com

Global Go Partners

Tommy and Shiny with Mid-India Christian Mission

Transforming lives through the love of Christ in India in four main areas: Evangelism, Empowerment, Education, and Child Sponsorship


Ron Morse with North Burma Christian Mission

We envision millions in Asia being eternally influenced for Christ through multiple outreach ministries.


Hannah Tynes with Overland Missions

Overland Missions exists to take the Gospel to remote places in order to transform forgotten and unreached people by making disciples and developing leaders.


Matt Rule with Crossover Global

Crossover Global passionately seeks to glorify God through the planting of multiplying churches among the unreached peoples of the world.


Pastor Elisha with Grace Ministries

Local Partners

Rapha International

Our mission is to end the trafficking and sexual abuse of children–one child, one family, and one community at a time.


It is Food2Families’ goal to provide food to the at-risk in Northwest Arkansas with healthy meals. They strive to have meat, fresh produce, dairy, dry goods, and snacks available every week.

Christ on Campus

Christ on Campus is a Christian community at the University of Arkansas. We are here to help you know Jesus and follow Him with your whole life. Through worship, studying, and serving together, we want you to discover God and the identity and purpose that He has for you.

Cookson Hills
Cookson Hills

Cookson Hills provides home, school, and therapy for kids who are at-risk. We are a children’s home in Northeast Oklahoma, serving kids ages 5-17 who want to write a better story for their lives and have experienced challenges with family life, homelessness, poor peer relationships, abuse, or neglect.

Loving Choices

Loving Choices is a crisis pregnancy center in NWA that provides pregnancy testing, STD testing, counseling, ultrasounds, adoption planning, post abortion support and more.

ARM Prison Outreach
ARM Prison Outreach

American Rehabilitation Ministries, ARM, exists to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing resources to prison chaplains and prisoners, military chaplains, missionaries, and churches.


Go Staff

Sonny Johnson

Go Pastor

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