April 14 - 16 2023
Watch All Creation Weekend Talks

Speaker: Randy Guliuzza
Dr. Randy Guliuzza is a captivating speaker who presents well-documented and often humorous scientific and biblical talks to audiences of all ages. He has represented ICR in several scientific debates at secular universities and in other forums. Dr. Guliuzza has a B.S. in Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, a B.A. in theology from Moody Bible Institute, an M.D. from the University of Minnesota, and a Master of Public Health from Harvard University. Dr. Guliuzza served nine years in the Navy Civil Engineer Corps and is a registered Professional Engineer. In 2008, he retired as a lieutenant colonel from the Air Force, where he served as 28th Bomb Wing Flight Surgeon and Chief of Aerospace Medicine. He is the author of Made in His Image: Examining the Complexities of the Human Body, Clearly Seen: Constructing Solid Arguments for Design, Five Minutes with a Darwinist, and Twenty Evolutionary Blunders: Dangers and Difficulties of Darwinian Thinking, and is a contributor to Guide to Creation Basics, Creation Basics & Beyond, Guide to the Human Body, and the Made in His Image DVD series.

Speaker: Dr. Tim Clarey
Dr. Tim Clarey received a Master of Science in Geology in 1984 from the University of Wyoming and a Master of Science in Hydrogeology in 1993 from Western Michigan University. His Ph.D. in Geology was received in 1996 from Western Michigan University. From 1984 to 1992, Dr. Clarey worked as an exploration geologist at Chevron USA, Inc., developing oil drilling prospects and analyzing assets and lease purchases. He was Full Professor and Geosciences Chair at Delta College in Michigan for 17 years before leaving in 2013 to join the science staff at the Institute for Creation Research, having earlier conducted research with ICR in its FAST program. He has published many papers on various aspects of the Rocky Mountains and has authored two college laboratory books. He is the author of Dinosaurs: Marvels of God’s Design and Carved in Stone: Geological Evidence of the Worldwide Flood, co-author of Parks Across America: Viewing God’s Wonders Through a Creationist Lens and Human Origins, and a contributor to Guide to Dinosaurs and Creation Basics & Beyond. He and his wife, Reneé, are co-authors of the children’s books Big Plans for Henry and Henry Explores the New World.

Friday, April 14 6-8pm
Session #1:
Replacing Darwin’s Sacred Imposter (Dr. Guliuzza) Auditorium
Why did Darwin invent the concept of “natural selection?” Is his concept consistent with the nature of a loving Creator described in the Bible? Nothing could liberate our thinking about biology more than a willingness to replace Darwinism’s random mutations and “natural selection” with a fully design-based approach once and for all.
No registration required for this event.
Session #2:
Do Fossils Confirm Evolution or the Global Flood? (Dr. Clarey) Auditorium
Dr. Clarey refutes the notion of dinosaur evolution and ancestry by examining four common dinosaur myths. He exposes each one using scientific evidence and concludes that dinosaurs were created just thousands of years ago. Dinosaurs were not feathered and likely not warm-blooded as most secularists seem to believe. The evidence supports the idea that all dinosaur kinds were created fully-formed by God on Day 6 of the creation week.
No registration required for this event.
Childcare available: Infant – PreK

Saturday, April 15th 9am-12:30pm
Session 1:
Designed to Diversify (Dr. Guliuzza) Auditorium
Psychological research shows that humans in every culture perceive designed features and naturally infer they had designers. If this is the case, then the persuasive power in life’s designs is an enormously underused gift from God in apologetic defenses. Design-based explanations of creature features given from an engineer’s perspective bring scientific clarity to apologetics discussions by demystifying fallacious Darwinian origins explanations. If you can properly identify the cause of an organism’s dramatic capacity to adapt—better yet, self-adjust— to different environments, you’re on your way to the most powerful argument against death and survival-driven naturalistic evolution. This strategy points to a beneficent intelligent Designer consistent with the God of the Bible.
The Truth About the Genesis Flood (Dr. Clarey) Student Center
In this presentation, Dr. Clarey shows how sedimentary evidence across several continents confirms the occurrence of a global flood. He presents oil industry data compiled into maps and diagrams that illustrate the progression of the Flood and match the biblical narrative. He provides biblically based scientific explanations for large-scale sedimentary deposits that were rapidly formed by catastrophic activity. This abundant evidence supports a worldwide flood that happened just thousands of years ago.
Session 2:
Dinosaurs: Marvels of Design (Dr. Clarey) Auditorium
Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? How big were they? Could they fit on the Ark? Dr. Clarey discusses the uniqueness of God’s created dinosaurs and answers many of the questions young people encounter in secular media and even in children’s books. This talk is especially suited for younger audiences.
Anticipatory Systems: Planning Today for Tomorrow’s Challenges (Dr. Guliuzza) Student Center
Are creatures active trackers of environmental change? Do their innate systems enable them to continuously fill new niches, or do geological and climatic pressures drive adaptation in relatively passive organisms? There is increasing evidence that God engineered creatures with systems to detect changes in myriads of external conditions and then make suitable self-adjustments.
Session 3:
Five Minutes with a Darwinist (Dr. Guliuzza) Auditorium
If you only had five minutes to talk with a friend who believes in evolution, could you quickly topple evolution’s main pillars and present a strong case for creation? Dr. Guliuzza provides the skills necessary for Christians to talk intelligently and succinctly with evolutionists—without references to religion, revelation, or faith.
Revealing the Secrets of the Ice Age (Dr. Clarey) Student Center
Was there an Ice Age? If so, what caused it? Dr. Clarey reveals a biblical reason for the timing of the Ice Age and the dispersion from the Tower of Babel. The Ice Age was an essential ending to the global Flood.
No registration required for this event.
Childcare available: Infant – PreK

April 15 & 16th: (All 4 services)
Sat. 5:00pm & Sun. 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am
Preaching: Four Biological Facts the Bible Got Absolutely Right and Evolution Got Totally Wrong (Dr. Gulluizza) Auditorium
Genesis 1 contains remarkable insights the Bible had about biology long before they were discovered. The Bible’s accuracy is magnified because evolutionary theory speaks to the same four basic biological questions and continues to provide profoundly wrong answers. Learn these four fundamental biological questions and the scientific and biblical facts to answer them.
No registration required for this event.

Carved in Stone: A Journey Down Grand Canyon (Dr. Clarey) Meeting Room 2Dr. Clarey has been leading rafting tours through Grand Canyon for several years, allowing participants to see the evidence of the flood up close and personal. Now Dr. Clarey takes his conference audiences on a pictorial tour down the river with stops at significant points to reveal the flood geology hidden near the bottom of the canyon. Marine fossils, cross bedding, unconformities, and more reveal evidence of the historical account of the Genesis flood.
Registration Required
8:30 am ELECTIVE
Fracturing the Fables: Answer to Questions about Oil and the Flood (Dr. Clarey) Meeting Room 2
Where does oil come from? Did the Flood produce it? Did Noah use oil as “pitch”? Is it still forming? Dr. Clarey addresses these questions and more from a biblical perspective. The evidence suggests oil has its origin in the Flood rocks. It is not just a fossil fuel, it is a Flood fuel that cannot be millions of years old.
Registration Required
10:00 am ELECTIVE
Feathered Dinosaurs and Other Evolutionary Fairy Tales (Dr. Clarey) Meeting Room 2
Most popular movies, TV shows, and books portray dinosaurs with feathers and claim they have an evolutionary relationship with birds. This talk dispels these myths and presents the science of dinosaurs as found in the rocks themselves. Much of what is taught in public schools is not based on the evidence. Dinosaurs did not evolve into birds, did not develop feathers, did not have evolutionary ancestors, and did not live millions of years ago. Dinosaurs were designed fully-formed as a unique group of reptile kinds, just as the Bible describes in Genesis.
Registration Required
11:30 am ELECTIVE
Dinosaur Fossils on the Moon and other Myths (Dr. Clarey) Meeting Room 2
Rumors abound on YouTube and the internet. Many of them are presented in a way that seems believable. How do you know what is true? Dr. Clarey cuts through the fluff and explains what is really known and what is pure conjecture.
Registration Required

Youth Event (7th - 12th grade) April 16th 4-6pm
Session #1:
Three Things that Crush Evolution and Confirm God’s Word (Dave Napier) Auditorium
This youth presentation is a fun and high-energy talk showing that evolution just can’t explain the world around us. The fossil record, dinosaurs, and DNA all leave evolutionists grasping for straws. When the observable evidence is revealed, these three things crush evolution at its very core.
No registration required for this event.
Session #2:
It Just Doesn’t Take Millions of Years (Dave Napier) Auditorium
This talk is excellent for changing people’s perspectives on the age of the earth. Dave systematically goes through the icons of evolution and shows that science, long ago, proved that they don’t take millions of years. The truth is, you just need the right materials and the right environment. The Global Flood, documented in Genesis, gives us both. Evidence from sediment layers, fossils, diamonds, oil, and coal, all squash the old argument that the Earth’s geological features are millions of years old.
No registration required for this event.